返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E22(3)Will the Circle Be Unbroken?


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A: Dad? Hey, can I talk to you?
B: Sure.
A: Dad, I need to talk to you about Ezra. And he doesn't know that I'm telling you this, and I really probably shouldn't--
B: Aria. When I talked to your mom, she told me about Ezra. About the woman in Delaware. And the boy. She thought that I should know.      1     
A: I'm not angry at her. Although I should be.
B:      2     
A: Okay. Mm, not okay, just okay.      3     Ezra is taking on these big responsibilities. And he's just trying to do the right thing. And it's hard, you know, he, he needs money. And he needs a job.
B: A job.
A: Teaching. It's, it's what he knows how to do, and he'd probably still be a teacher at Hollis if things had worked out a little different.
B: Probably.
A:      4     
B: I don't know.
A:      5     


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