返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E22(8)Will the Circle Be Unbroken?


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A: Well, they call it training, but it's more of an assessment to see if you can do the job. I'm sorry to cancel so late, but the bank only does this twice a year.
T: Nah, that's okay. It's, it's important.
A: And I'll only be gone a couple of days this time.
T: This time?
A: Yeah, if it works out, I will be taking Hanna to New York with me.
T:      1     
A: No, it's in New York.
T: Well... When would you go, if they offer it to you?
A: I'd have to make the decision pretty quickly.
T: Miss the great unveiling...
A: We can come back for that.
T: Well, I should wish you luck.      2      Wouldn't feel honest. I like seeing you. Right here.
A: I like seeing you.
T:      3     
A:      4     
T: "If." Would you tell me?      5      I'd like to try, if you'd want me to.
A: There's nothing you have to worry about.


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