返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E23(3)I'm Your Puppet


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A: Can't you just ask your mom for a copy of the coroner's report?
E: Aria, the report doesn't say not Toby. It says John Doe. It's not gonna change Spencer's mind.
A: Who's that?
E: Um, Shana.
A: Why does she keep texting you while Paige is out of town?      1     
H: Sorry you guys, Caleb had a lot to share. Why are you blushing? Why is she blushing?
A: Shana's cruising her, and I think that she should shut it down before it turns into Ex and the City.
E: Guys, I'm not thinking about Shana. We need to help Spencer.
H: No, Em, you saw her face.      2     
A: Or we actually take the body there and prove to her it isn't Toby. Em, that's not a real option.
E:      3      And we've been to that morgue before, what's stopping us from going back?
A: Um, do we really have to answer that?


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