返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E24(4)A Dangerous Game


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E: Hey. Is everything okay?
A: Why didn't you tell me that they offered you the job?
E: 'Cause I don't think I'm gonna take it.      1     
A: You need a job, Ezra.
E: Yeah. But you know what would happen to us if I end up back at Rosewood. Things are different now.      2     Hey, don't--don't cry. Don't cry. We're okay.
A: No, we're not. I mean, nothing about us feels right anymore.
E: I'm sorry.
A: It's not your fault.
E: I wanna fix this.
A: I know. I know, but you can't. Okay, we've been chasing after what we used to have ever since you found out about Malcolm, but I just don't--      3     
E: Things aren't easy, but they can still be good.
A:      4     
E: If you're not happy anymore... You know, that's what matters most to me.
A: Hey.      5      And that's why I want you to take this job.
E: Aria, wait, wait. I love you.


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