返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E24(5)A Dangerous Game


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T: Spencer.
S: When I was in Radley, Mona told me that you were alive. I wanted to believe her, but until now... Back in the woods, was that you?      1     
T: Mona told me after.
S: And you let me believe that you were dead?
T: Everything I've done, was so I could protect you.
S: I wanna believe that.
T:      2      Does Mona know you're here?
S: No. She told me that you would be there Friday. That you would be my reward for delivering the girls.
T: How'd you find me?
S: She left me alone in her lair. I kidnapped a seven-year-old. I'm the reason that Aria and Ezra broke up.      3     
T: It's not safe for you to be here.
S:      4     
T:      5     I've been pretending to work with Mona so I could keep you safe. I need you to believe me. And I need you to follow me.


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