返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E24(2)A Dangerous Game


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S: I don't know, it seems like a really bold move for Mona. The risk being seen like that?
E: What are you saying, Spence?
S:      1      Like maybe she's trying to get caught.
A: Okay, well, Malcolm is off limits, okay? Gotta get to class.
H:      2     
E: Did you not just hear Aria?
H: Em, kids love me. I'll make a game out of it.
S: Hey, Emily.
E: Hey. What-uh-what are you doing here?
Sh: Our coach arranged for us to practice here this morning. But I say if it's water, it's wet, right? A pool's a pool.      3     
E: Uh, Shana, this is Spencer.
S: Uh, you swim for Oakwood?
Sh: Amongst other things. Will you be at the meet?
S: Yeah. Wouldn't miss it.
Sh: I'll look for you. Good luck, Emily.
E: You, too.
H: I hate her.
S: Why?
H:      4     
E: Shana's bad news.      5     


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