返回 【SHERLOCK】S1E1<03> Sherlock的超级观察力*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)回归啦


嗷嗷嗷...卷福回归了...I'm back... 

因为Ve酱太忙了,于是乎Dodo就自动请缨来做Sherlock了... 真的很怕毁了Ve酱的经典之作,不过某D会尽力做好的(* ̄▽ ̄)y...毕竟偶素卷福迷...

当然当然...作为卷福米,不定期也会有一些卷福的新消息...o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ 

艾玛...码不出字了,太鸡冻了\(≧▽≦)/... 于是乎废话不多说...请看视频...ヾ(≧O≦)〃

 自制翻译以及各种吐槽在听写后边的译文...欢迎大家吐槽...【<(  ̄^ ̄)(θ(θ☆( >_< 

        ❤ Tips  填写缺失部分,不用写序号和标点,直接换行即可,一空一句,注意大小写哦~

OK, you've got questions..

Yeah, where are we going?

Crime scene. Next?

Who are you, what do you do?

What do you think?

I'd say... private detective. 


But the police don't go to private detectives.

I'm a consulting detective. ----------1-----------.

What does that mean? 

-----------2-----------, which is always, they consult me. 

The police don't consult amateurs.

When I met you for the first time yesterday, I said Afghanistan or Iraq. You looked surprised.

Yes, how did you know?

I didn't know, I saw. ------------3-----------. But your conversation, bit different from my day, said trained at Barts, so Army doctor, obvious. -----------4----------. -------------5---------. Your limp's really bad when you walk, ----------------6---------------. So it's at least partly psychosomatic. That says -----------------7------------------. Wounded in action, Suntan - Afghanistan or Iraq.

You said I had a therapist.

-------------------8--------------------. Then there's your brother. Your phone. It's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP player. And -----------9-----------. You wouldn't buy this. It's a gift, Scratches. Not one, many over time. It's been in the same pocket as keys and coins. -----------------------10----------------------. Next bit's easy. You know it already.

The engraving?

Harry Watson. Clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. Not your father, -------11-----. Could be a cousin, but -------------------------------12------------------------. So brother it is. Now, Clara, who's Clara? Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment. The expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. -------------13-------------, it's only six months old. Marriage in trouble then - six months on he's given it away. If she'd left HIM, he would have kept it. Sentiment. No, he wanted rid of it. He left her. He gave the phone to you. That says he wants you to stay in touch. -------------------------------------14---------------------. Maybe you liked his wife, or don't like his drinking.

How can you possibly know about the drinking?

Shot in the dark. Good one, though. Power connection - tiny little scuff marks around the edge. Every night he goes to plug it in and charge but his hands are shaky.  --------------------------15---------------------------. There you go, you see? you were right.

I was right? Right about what?

The police don't consult amateurs.

That was amazing.

Do you think so? 

Of course it was. It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary.

That's not what people normally say.



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