返回 【科学60秒】高科技快递派送小电子


The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but try telling that to electrons: when current flows down a wire, these particles zig and zag, moving indirectly from one end to the other. But now researchers have sped single ____1____ straight to their destinations using sound. The work is in the journal Nature.   [Rob McNeil et al., "On-demand single-electron transfer between distant quantum dots"]

An electron’s quantum state carries information, making it important for a viable ____2____computer. As the particle staggers down a wire, however, its state loses coherence—the electron “forgets” the information it carried.

To make it travel more efficiently, researchers ____3____ a short burst of sound at an electron trapped in an energy well. The sound wave “lifted” the electron, speeding it directly towards an empty well. Once it reached its destination, a sound burst from the opposite direction sent the electron back to its original location.

This discovery is a step toward quantum computing, which requires the controlled transfer of single electrons. But it could also have another ____4____ : electron ping-pong. Researchers have bounced an electron back and forth up to 60 times. Nice nano-rally.


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