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[健康] 【科学60秒】挤公交 能瘦身

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ City planners and citizens alike frequently ____1____ better public transportation. They argue that it can le...

发布:2011-05-02 | 英语 | 284人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 33% | 时长:01:21 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】酷暑之下,疫苗也被热死了

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Some bacteria have adapted to super cold environments for millions of years. And scientists have isolated som...

发布:2011-05-02 | 英语 | 54人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 55% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[政治] 【科学60秒】政客长得好,出镜率更高

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Being beautiful has its advantages. It can make you more popular, even make you seem more ___1___. Now, Unive...

发布:2011-05-01 | 英语 | 77人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 56% | 时长:01:20 | 科学60秒 

[自然] 【科学60秒】海水酸化 鱼儿敢死

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ More carbon dioxide emissions lead to more CO2 dissolving in the oceans, which turns the water acidic. Those ...

发布:2011-05-01 | 英语 | 53人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 69% | 时长:01:21 | 科学60秒 

[政治] 【科学60秒】体育和选举,并非八竿子打不着

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ When it comes to elections, sometimes we vote with our heads and sometimes with our hearts. But scientists at...

发布:2011-04-30 | 英语 | 80人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 69% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[自然] 【科学60秒】透过鸵鸟看恐龙

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Sometimes it seems there's only so much we can learn about dinosaurs. We can't know what their coloration loo...

发布:2011-04-30 | 英语 | 58人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 71% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】空气驱动摩托,够环保吧!

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Die-hard advocates of alternate energy might ___1___ cars that could one day run on water. But scientists in ...

发布:2011-04-29 | 英语 | 78人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 61% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】学校晚点上课,学生表现更好?

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Teachers get ___1___ at students—they don’t pay attention, they’re sleepy, they have bad attitudes. But im...

发布:2011-04-29 | 英语 | 109人听写 | 4次评论 | 中级 49% | 时长:01:17 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】宇宙也自导自演“暑期档大片”

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ It's a ____1____ worthy of an action film - galaxies, violently torn apart, smashing into one another, leavin...

发布:2011-04-28 | 英语 | 87人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 48% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】传染病会吞噬我们的聪明才智

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Over the years, people have ____1____ a lot of theories to explain why intelligence differs, from person to p...

发布:2011-04-28 | 英语 | 120人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 55% | 时长:01:21 | 科学60秒