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[健康] 【科学60秒】天花疫苗有助对抗HIV?

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Could the ___1___ of smallpox have been a factor in the spread of HIV? That’s the question posed by research...

发布:2011-04-14 | 英语 | 179人听写 | 13次评论 | 中级 51% | 时长:01:19 | 科学60秒 

[自然] 【科学60秒】珊瑚礁的呼唤

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ How do baby coral find a new home in the open ocean? They listen—very closely—for reef sounds. Scientists a...

发布:2011-04-14 | 英语 | 100人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 57% | 时长:01:20 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】是什么让猛犸象熬过冰河时期?

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ A couple million years ago, mammoths migrated north from Africa to colonize Eurasia. Sometime around then a m...

发布:2011-04-13 | 英语 | 135人听写 | 7次评论 | 中级 48% | 时长:01:17 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】法案一出,成果受限

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ The Patriot Act and the Bioterrorism Preparedness Act were passed in 2001 and 2002. These laws in part cover ...

发布:2011-04-13 | 英语 | 120人听写 | 8次评论 | 中级 56% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】大脑显奇功,光看就能听

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ When my toddler hears a strange noise, he’ll say, “Mom, what does that sound look like?” His amusing phras...

发布:2011-04-12 | 英语 | 275人听写 | 26次评论 | 中级 48% | 时长:01:22 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】 机场出现安检漏洞,请及时修复

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Shhh, keep this podcast a secret. Because new research points to ___1___ in airport security screening: it ma...

发布:2011-04-12 | 英语 | 145人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 57% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[健康] 【科学60秒】美黑诱惑

文章较难,同学们听写填空即可~ Scientists have finally verified something that Jersey Shore stars Snooki and Pauly D have probably known a...

发布:2011-04-08 | 英语 | 118人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 50% | 时长:01:29 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】有一种病可以消除偏见

文章较难,同学们听写填空即可~ People start stereotyping early. Even toddlers react positively to members of their own race, but often dis...

发布:2011-04-08 | 英语 | 81人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 66% | 时长:01:18 | 科学60秒 

[健康] 【科学60秒】减肥新招

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ Here in New York, the ___1___ state budget includes one ___2___ that’s probably making more news than the re...

发布:2011-04-07 | 英语 | 198人听写 | 11次评论 | 中级 52% | 时长:01:20 | 科学60秒 

[科学] 【科学60秒】一心二用,凤毛麟角

文章较难,大家听写填空即可~ The National Safety Council estimates that 28 percent of all highway accidents and deaths are caused by drive...

发布:2011-04-07 | 英语 | 123人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 62% | 时长:01:20 | 科学60秒