• 孙子兵法
  • 《孙子兵法》,英文名为《The Art of War》,是中国古典军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,是中国优秀文化传统的重要组成部分,是世界三大兵书之一。作者为春秋末年的...
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  • 分 类: 娱乐 / 有声书
  • 难 度: 中级
  • 状 态: 已经完结
  • 均用时: 09分10秒
  • 均得分: 79.51%


[文化] 【孙子兵法】用间第十三(4)

Hints: None 至此,孙子兵法十三章更完~ 最后一期奖励多点~ 26. Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty was due to I Chih who had served under th...

发布:2013-01-23 | 英语 | 18人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 79% | 时长:00:40 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】用间第十三(3)

Hints: None 18. Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business. 19. _____________(1)_______________. 20. Whether the...

发布:2013-01-22 | 英语 | 9人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 80% | 时长:01:28 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】用间第十三(2)

Hints: None 8. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of ...

发布:2013-01-21 | 英语 | 8人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 72% | 时长:01:19 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】用间第十三(1)

Hints: None 1. Sun Tzu said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and marching them great distances entails heavy loss on the people ...

发布:2013-01-20 | 英语 | 8人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 62% | 时长:01:46 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】火攻第十二(2)

Hints: None 7. In every army, the five developments connected with fire must be known, the movements of the stars calculated, and a watch...

发布:2013-01-19 | 英语 | 4人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 86% | 时长:01:43 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】火攻第十二(1)

Hints: 第二句不写two 1. Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp; the second...

发布:2013-01-18 | 英语 | 8人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 73% | 时长:01:55 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】九地第十一(8)

Hints: None 58. Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; _________(1)____________. 59. For it is precisely when a force has ...

发布:2013-01-17 | 英语 | 4人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 90% | 时长:01:30 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】九地第十一(7)

Hints: None 52. We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs. We are not fit to lead...

发布:2013-01-16 | 英语 | 3人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 67% | 时长:01:36 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】九地第十一(6)

Hints: None 43. When you leave your own country behind, and take your army across neighborhood territory, you find yourself on critical g...

发布:2013-01-15 | 英语 | 8人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 46% | 时长:01:36 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

[文化] 【孙子兵法】九地第十一(5)

Hints: None 35. It is the business of a general to be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus maintain order. 36. He mu...

发布:2013-01-14 | 英语 | 6人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 63% | 时长:01:29 | 孙子兵法 孙武 

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