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小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Raj: You’re a sucky friend, you know that? A sucky, sucky friend.
-Howard: What was I supposed to do? She gave me that come-___1___ look.
-Raj: If she gave you any look at l. It was a ‘you suck’ look.
-Howard: I would’ve caught up to her if I hadn’t pulled a hammy.
-Raj: Oh, please, you weigh 80 ___2___. You don’t have a hammy.
-Leonard: So, Penny doesn’t want me around her friends, I embarrass her. What else could it be?
-Sheldon: Well, _____________3____________. Perhaps she’s excluded you from these gatherings because she’s scouting for a new mate and doesn’t want to do it in front of you.
-Leonard: Oh, how kind of her.
-Sheldon: Agreed. Most primates don’t show that sort of discretion. A female bonobo will copulate with a new male in front of the old one without so much as a how do you do?
-Raj: You always do this, you know? You ditch me for a woman you don’t have a shot with.
-Howard: I totally had a shot.
-Raj: With a woman you were chasing through a park? That’s not a shot, that’s a ___4___. What’s worse, it cost me my prized Patang fighting kite. Sheldon, I don’t suppose there’s any chance you could give me my kite back?
-Sheldon: I’m sorry, Raj, but the rules of ________5_________ dictate at the fallen kite go to the victor. And without rules, the competition has no meaning. And without meaning, the following would be an empty gesture. I have your kite. I have your kite.


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