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很难想出一种产品在中国的市场销路有如商用飞机(之如中国)那么好的。这个国家疆域辽阔并且远离其主要贸易伙伴。它的巨大经济正在不断产生新的亿万富翁。但是中国的企业飞机的数量,却少于400架,比诸如巴西和墨西哥这些发展较弱的市场还要少。亚洲天空集团,一家顾问公司的Jeffrey Lowe认为,这甚至少于仅在加州橘子郡机场找到的数量。

It is hard to think of a product for which China is as promising a market [as it is] for business jets. The country is vast and far from its main trading partners. Its huge economy is churning out new billionaires. But the number of China's corporate jets, fewer than 400, [is smaller] than [in] lesser emerging markets such as[/like] Brazil and Mexico. It's even smaller, reckons Jeffrey Lowe of Asian Sky Group, a consultant, than the number found just at Orange County airport in California.


Yet the mood [was] upbeat this week at a big industry gathering at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai. The government, long the biggest obstacle to growth, is changing its attitude. Until now over-regulation has made importing planes costly, training local pilots complex and filing flight plans cumbersome. Officials have repeatedly talked [of] slapping [a] luxury tax on [the] purchase of new jets, on top of existing hefty[/onerous] duties and taxes. [At] Beijing's main airport, business jets [get] only two take off slot an hour.


[An] anti-corruption drive by the newish government of President Xi Jinpin has led state-own enterprises, or SOES, to shun jets. A aviation industry veteran says that SOE executives [once made] up perhaps 15% of the local jet-leasing market before the crackdown, but that figure today is 5%.


[Still,] now the government seems ready to unleash the potential of business aviation. It's promising to build ten to 15 airports a year. China now only has [fewer than] 400 airports for civil use, whereas small planes[/jets] can land [at] 18,000 fields across America. The latest official five-year plan explicitly promotes [the development of] non-airline [aviation] and calls for reform [to improve] the efficiency and allocation of air space. This matters, because China's air force block[s] an inordinately [large] amount of it.


it is hard to think of

China is as promising a market as it is/the country is vast and far from its main trading partners/

huge economy/lesser emerging markets

product/churn out new billionaires



business jets/corporate jets/business aviation

fewer than/smaller than/even smaller

Jeffrey Lowe of Asian Sky Group/a consultant

at Orange County Airport in California/Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai/Beijing's main airport

mood was upbeat/is changing its attitude

a big industry gathering

government/officials/official five-year plan

obstacle/blocks/slapping a luxury tax on the purchase of new jets, on top of existing onerous duties and taxes

over-regulation/made importing jets costly, training local pilots complex and filing flight plans cumbersome.

jets/flights/aviation/pilots/takeoff slots

An anti-corruption drive/the crackdown

the newish government of President Xi Jinping

state-owned enterprises/SOEs



made up


unleash potential...

China/the country/local

build new airports/land at fields


promote the development of non-airline aviation

call for reforms to improve the efficiency and allocation of air space

air force blocks an inordinately large amount


this matters

small jets/planes
