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McDonald's is by no means the most accommodating of fast-food chains [to] people with special dietary requirements. Most of its restaurants in America and Britain don't even serve [a] meat-free burger for vegetarians. But in a week-long trial end[ing] on October 21st, the chain's British outlets provided[/offered] a new burger which did not contain gluten, /which is/ [an] allergen commonly found in wheat, with a view to making the new product a permanent addition to its menu.


At first that might[/may] seem [to be] an odd decision. Vegetarians outnumber those who avoid gluten. But the food industry is finding that there is [no longer] much money to [be] ma[d]e in producing[/making] meat-free products. /The/ sales of alternatives to meat has flattened in America in real terms since 2008, in Britain they have lunged by 1/3. Consumer/s who/ demand/s/ [for] products without gluten, however, is rising rapidly. Health-conscious Americans [were] the first to avoid [it] in significant numbers. /The/ sales of gluten-free food and drink there ha[ve] surged from $5.4 billion to $8.8 billion [over] the past two years. Europe is [now] catching up quickly, there's doubt-digit sales growth in most countries, with Britain leading the way.


Stores[/Shops] have reshuffled their shelves and restaurants rewritten their menus to catch[/keep] up with /the/ demand. Big supermarkets have been slimming their [range of] vegetarian products and [are] stocking more gluten-free lines. Even [small] convenien[ce] stores in remote [parts of] /in/ rural Ireland and Italy are now stocking /a/ range[s] of gluten-free bread and cake[s]. Restaurants, especially[/in particular] /are/ [have] rush[ed] to launch menus that banish that thing[/the stuff].


Yet some retail analysts fret that th[e] wheat-free bubble will eventually burst, /just/ as it [already] has for meat substitutes. Many doctors say [that only a] few of the 1/10 households [that now] regularly buy such products have [a] member/s/ /that have/ [with] coeliac disease and [a] medical need/s/ to avoid gluten. But research from Monash University published last year show[s] that /there are/ /far/ [many] more people /who/ might[/may] be sensitive to other allergens [that are] found in wheat. And according to [a] survey by Kantar, a research firm, only 22% of /the/ people who buy gluten-free food say they /are/ do that[/so] /because of/ [for] non-medical reasons.


by no means

McDonald's/fast-food chain/the chain

the most accommodating to people with special dietary requirements

do not even serve a meat-free burger for vegetarians.

in a week-long trial ending on October 21st

restaurants in America and Britain /the chain's British outlets

offered a new burger which did not contain gluten/gluten-free/wheat-less

an allergen commonly found in wheat

with a view to doing

making the new product a permanent addition to its menu.

an odd decision

there is no longer much money to be made in making meat-free products/vegetarians

meat-free products/meat-free substitutes

Sales of alternatives to meat have plunged

products without gluten is rising rapidly/surged from $5.4 billion to $8.8 billion/double-digit sales growth

Health-conscious Americans

in significant numbers

catching up/keeping up

leading the way

reshuffled their shelves/rewritten their menus

slimming down their range of vegetarian products/stocking more gluten-free lines.

Big supermarkets/small convenience stores in remote parts of rural Ireland and Italy

launch menus that banish the stuff

retail analysts fret

wheat-free bubble will eventually burst

a member with coeliac disease and a medical need to avoid gluten/only 22% do so for non-medical reasons.

be sensitive to other allergens that are found in wheat

