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智商额外加四点,多一年的教育,以及30岁的时候显著增长的收入。那些是曾经被母乳哺育过的福利,根据一份刚刚由巴西佩洛塔斯联邦大学的Bernardo Horta[及其同事]发表于柳叶刀环球健康上的研究。

Four extra points of IQ, an extra year's education and [a] significant[ly] enhanced income at the age of 30. These are the benefits of having been breast-fed, according to a study just published in Lancet Global Health by Bernardo Horta of the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil[, and his colleagues].


Other research has shown[/suggested that] breast-feeding has beneficial long-term effects. But Dr Horta's is particularly persuasive because it looks at adults rather than children and teenagers, and because it contradicts the suggestion that social class is a confounding variable, [with] rich mothers tend[ing] to breast-feed more than poor mothers [do].


In 2012 and 2013, Dr Horta managed to track down 3493 members of [the] cohort whose diet as babies, including their consumption of breast milk, had been recorded at the time, ask them [some] questions, and give them an IQ test. Comparing those who had been breast-fed for less than [a] month and those who had been [so] fed /so/ for more than year, Dr Horta found the latter's IQ was 3.76 points higher than the former's, and [that] they [had] attended school [for] 0.91 year longer. The income data were slightly more complicated. Those /who had been/ breast-fed for more than a year had income[s] 15% higher than those breast-fed[/suckled] for less than a month, but those breast-fed between[/for] six months to 12 months d[id] even better, at 55%. These effects, moreover, were unaffected by the [a] family['s] income at the time a study participant was born.


The reasons for this is not known, though [it is] easy to speculate. Human milk, presumably, has been optimised for human nutrition by evolution. The social contact involved in suckling may have an effect. But the underlying cause is not as[/less] important [than] the result/s/. As Winston Churchill once said, there is no finer investment [for] a[ny] community than putting milk in[to] babies. Add the word mother['s] in front of milk, [and] the returns [on] that investment get finer still.


a significantly enhanced income



long-term effects

particularly persuasive/looks at adults rather than children and teenagers


social class is a confounding variable

track down... members/a study participant

underlying causes/reasons

diet as babies/consumption of breast milk/human milk

had been breast-fed/had been so fed

Four extra points of IQ/the latter's IQ was 3.76 points higher than the former's

an extra year's education/attended school for 0.91 years longer.

incomes/ income data were were

be unaffected by /have an effect


be optimised for human nutrition by evolution

social contact involved in suckling

there is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies

returns on that investment get finer still.
