返回 教皇的最后演说(2/2)





The pope has had to answer accusations of corruption and sexual abuse by Catholic clergy members. He has dealt with the leak of thousands of private documents that reportedly show dishonor in the church. And, there has been a decrease in the Catholic faith within Europe.教皇不得不回应关于天主教神职人员腐败和性侵的指控。他也疲于应付上千份私人文件外泄问题,据称文中披露了教内丑闻。目前欧洲天主教信众正在减少。

Before leaving on Thursday,He urged these high-level officials to unite as they prepare to choose the next pope among their number.周四离职前,本笃十六世曾私下向罗马红衣主教告别。他敦促这些高层人员团结一致,在成员内部选出下一任教皇。

Pope Benedict will now be called "pope emeritus" and continue to wear the white clothing he wore while serving as pope. Many people have criticized the decision to let him stay in the Vatican. They say his presence could create tension with the new ruling pope. Pope Benedict has said he plans to live quietly in prayer and meditation in his words, "hidden to the world." He also promised to show "" to the next pope.

教皇本笃十六世将被称为“荣休教皇”,仍能穿在担任教皇期间穿着的白色服装。许多人批评让他待在梵蒂冈的决定,他们表示,他的存在可能造成局势紧张,威胁到新任教皇的统治。教皇本笃说,他打算静静地祈祷和冥想,用他的话来说,就是“远离尘世”。他还承诺“”下一任教皇。The Pope left the Vatican Thursday by helicopter and arrived at his new temporary home, Castel Gandolfo, south of the Vatican. He will return to the Vatican and live in what is called a convent in a few months.

教皇本笃十六世周四搭乘直升飞机离开梵蒂冈抵达临时新家,位于南梵蒂冈的冈多菲堡。他将在几个月后返回梵蒂冈,住在被称为修道院的地方。In a final message on his official Twitter account, the leader of the world's more than 1 billion Catholics thanked his followers for their "love and support." He also wrote,
