返回 南苏丹独立,女性生存状况依旧





South Sudan fought for years to win independence from Sudan. 赢得了独立、脱离了苏丹South Sudanese women are facing a similar struggle for their rights. As we hear from June Simms, 从 的报道中我们得知。fighting may have ended in the new nation, but violence and sexual abuse are still problems. 在新的国家斗争已经结束,但是暴力和性侵犯仍然是个问题。Domestic or family violence is hard to discuss in a nation where many people consider it normal for a woman to be beaten and strange for a wife to leave her husband.

Rape is also a problem. The International Rescue Committee operates a clinic for sex-based violence in Lakes State救治性侵犯受害者的诊所. Abendego Mabior Nyinde is a medical worker. He says knowledge about diseases such as AIDS has led more women to report rape. 许多疾病知识,比如说 ,使许多受害妇女来寻求帮助。But he says many do not speak out for fear that admitting such an attack will lower their value as a future wife. 但很多女性由于害怕承认被害将会降低她们将来成为妻子的价值而不愿说出,In South Sudan, a woman's family can request a large number of cattle for her to be given in marriage. But Mary Ayei Yai, a mother of eight children, says the deal often leaves women trapped and open to abuse.

Jenny Becker works for the International Rescue Committee. She says getting women out of abusive situations is a duty that officials have trouble dealing with.

Officials say there are laws in South Sudan to protect the rights of women. But many say the reality is that traditional law and a male-dominated culture most often win out.
