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Venezuelans are remembering President Hugo Chavez, who died after a heart attack earlier this week. The president had not been seen in public since December.

For the past two years, Hugo Chavez battled pelvic cancer. He was unable to attend swearing-in ceremonies for another term in office in January.

On Tuesday, Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced the death of President Chavez.

",but we carry on his legacy here and we will carry it on with strength.''

Mr. Maduro said the leader's body will be treated so people can see it for many years to come. He accused Venezuela's enemies of attacking the president with cancer. He did not say how that could have been done.

Hugo Chavez dreamed of playing major league baseball in the United States, but instead chose to join the Venezuelan army. He was jailed in 1992 for leading an unsuccessful attempt to oust then-president Carlos Andres Perez.
