返回 【CNN News】纽约市长收到有毒信件





It's the end of the month, the end of the week and the start of a new day of CNN STUDENT NEWS. I'm Carl Azuz. First up, three suspicious letters, one was sent to President Obama, the other two were sent to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and to an organization he founded. Initial tests on those two letters indicated they were tainted with a poison called ricin. As of yesterday afternoon, officials hadn't said whether ricin was found on the letter addressed to the White House, although they did say the letters were similar. Ricin seriously dangerous. Even a tiny amount of it can kill someone in two days or less by shutting down respiratory or circulatory systems. There is no known antidote for it. You might remember a month or so ago, letters tainted with ricin were sent to the president and other officials. Authorities don't think there is a connection between that and the new letter sent to President Obama.

到了月末,也是周末,今天是CNN学生新闻的开始。我是Carl Azuz。首先,有三个可疑来信,一封是给奥巴马总统,另外两封给纽约市长Michael Bloomberg以及他创立的组织。初步测试结果表明,这两封信件被沾染了崑麻毒素。昨天下午,官方还没有确认给白宫的信件是否携带毒素,虽然这几封信很类似。Ricin是非常危险的,即使很少量的毒素,也可以在两天之内致命,机制是抑制呼吸和循环系统。目前还没有任何解药。你也许还记得,一个月以前,携带毒素的信件别寄送给奥巴马总统和其他官员。官方认为之前的信件和最新给奥巴马的信件之间没有联系。
