返回 【CNN News】本学年新闻回顾5-各国领导人选举





We also covered elections throughout this school year from two of the world's largest countries to its very smallest. In some cases, those votes signaled the change in leadership, in one the person in power stayed the same. That's where we start this look back. In the United States President Barack Obama ran for reelection facing off against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Obama won the popular vote and the electoral college vote and in January he was sworn in for another four years in the Oval Office. Jumping over to South Korea next, that country held its presidential election in December, the result was historic: Park Geun-hye, whose father had been president when she was a child, was elected a South Korea's first female president. She was officially sworn into that role in February. In China, the communist party controls the government, changes at the top of that party usually happen once every ten years. They are decided not by popular vote, but by a small elite number of party members. Xi Jinping became the leader of China's Communist Party in November, and China's new president in March. Finally, Vatican City, headquarters to the Roman Catholic Church in March after Pope Benedict XVI retired, Jorge Bergoglio was elected as the new head of the church, which marked several famous firsts. The Argentinean is the first Latin American pope, the first pope from the Americas and the first to take Francis as his papal name.

我们在本学年还报道了全球最大两个国家和最小国家的选举。在某些情况下,这些投票意味着领导权的变化,其中一个国家的领导人没有变化。现在开始回顾。美国总统奥巴马与前马塞州州长Mitt Romney竞选。奥巴马赢得流行党的选举和选举大学的选举。在今年1月,他在总统办公室宣誓就职新一轮的四年总统。来看看韩国,韩国在12月举行了总统选举,选举结果是历史性的。朴永惠当选韩国历史上第一位女总统,她的爸爸在她小时候也是总统。在2月,她正式宣誓就职。在中国,共产党领导政府,每十年就会发生一次党的换届。选举不是由大众进行,而是由一小部分党的精英决定。习近平在11月成为党的总书记。在3月当选中国新一届主席。最终,梵蒂冈城是罗马主教的中心,Benedict 教皇在3月卸任后,Jorge Bergoglio当选为教会领袖,这创造了好几个第一。阿根廷的第一个拉丁美洲教皇,来自美洲的第一个教皇,第一位将Francis作为罗马教皇名的。
