返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十二集(2) Bonnie&Elena&Abby



为了打开被巫术密封的棺材,Elena 陪同Bonnie去见她的生母Abby寻求帮助,现在的Abby已经没有了法力,和继子Jamie过着普通人的生活。本次节选的部分是BonnieAbby解开多年心结的开端。



不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...



Elena: How are you holding up?

Bonnie: I'll be fine.        1        I'm just here to get her help.

Abby: So I hope you guys are hungry, 'cause, uh, food has always been my go-to icebreaker.

Elena:       2       

Abby: You're so sweet. Just like your mom.

Elena: You knew my mom?

Abby: Miranda was my best friend.

Bonnie:       3       

Abby: My best friend is why I left. 15 years ago, a vampire came to town, looking for you, Elena, looking for the doppelganger. No one could manage to kill him, so I lured him out of town and cast a spell to desiccate him, and encrypted him in Charlotte.

Elena: Mikael.       4        

Abby: It took every ounce of power I had. Almost killed me. I recovered, but my magic didn't.       5       

Bonnie: And neither did you.

Abby: It wasn't that simple.

Bonnie: It wasn't? You cast a spell, put Mikael down, then... What? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?

Elena: Bonnie... 

Bonnie: This was a mistake. She has no magic, she can't help us.

Abby: Bonnie, wait, please. Don't go. Talk to me, please?

Elena: I'll wait outside.



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