返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十四集(3)Caroline&Elena&Rebekah





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Elena: It's all so weird. The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball.

Caroline: It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is. And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?

Elena: I have no idea. There's only one way to find out.

Caroline: I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going.

Elena: I did, which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard.

Caroline: Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux, and by that, I mean Stefan.

Elena: I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now. Whatever Stefan's feeling, he's channeling it all against Klaus, and Damon... it's just not a good idea.

Caroline: Why? 'Cause you two made out? Bonnie spilled the beans.

Elena: I was gonna tell you. It's just after everything happened with your dad…

Caroline: Elena,       1       I don't hear about this till now? From somebody else?

Elena: I'm sorry. It's just I…      2        All I do know is that just used to be so much easier.

Rebekah: Careful, Caroline.      3      

Elena: What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals.

Rebekah: Get over yourself, Elena. It's not all about you.

Caroline: Oh, my god.      4        Why is she inviting him?

Elena:      5      

Caroline: What time is this stupid dance?



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