返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十五集(4) Elijah&Elena





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Elijah: Elena.

Elena: Elijah.

Elijah: I don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany me. I want to show you something.

Elijah:        1     

Elena: Can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago.

Elijah: You know, your school was built over an Indian village, where I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact, near that was a-- there was a field where wild horses used to graze.

Elena: That's incredible.

Elijah: Come.

Elena: Do you know this place, too?

Elijah: I do. Below us is a cavern I used to play in as a boy, connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon.       2    

Elena: Elijah, I should probably go home.

Elijah: I admire you, Elena.       3       It's not in your nature to be deceitful, and yet when I asked you about your meeting with my mother the other night, you lied to my face.

Elena: That's not true. I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start.

Elijah: I can hear your heartbeat. It jumps when you're being dishonest with me. You lied to me at the ball and you're lying to me now. Tell me the truth.

Elena: I never wanted this to happen.

Elijah: What, Elena?

Elena: We were told, that whatever was gonna be in that coffin was gonna kill Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother... We didn't know what to think.

Elijah: Since her return, she said she only wants this family whole again.

Elena: When she asked to see me, I-- I thought that maybe she could help, that she would find a way to kill Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to kill.

Elijah: She wants to kill us all, doesn't she?       4     

Elena: I'm so sorry, Elijah.       5     

Elijah: You know, one thing I've learned in my time on this earth... Be careful what you wish for.



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