返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十五集(5) Damon&Alaric&Meredith&Kol&Klaus



Damon电话Alaric 希望她能看好Elena,别让她破坏了杀死所有始祖的计划。 但此时的Alaric正和Meredith 在一起研究最近出现的神秘凶手,正碰上来酒吧消遣的Kol Klaus


不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...


Alaric:         1       

Damon: Well, she's not answering her phone.

Alaric: Well, I'm surprised you have time to call, what with all this original sex you've been having.

Damon: She told you?

Alaric: Oh, she told me.

Damon: Oh, really.       2       

Alaric: Hey, listen, I'm not gonna judge her for having a conscience.

Damon: Well, you don't have to judge her. Just tie her up. Lock her in her room till this is over.

Alaric: Well, I wouldn't if I could, and I can't, because I'm busy.

Damon: Busy doing what?

Alaric: Don't worry about it.

Damon: Are you with the sexy psycho doctor?

Alaric: Good-bye, Damon. Sorry about that.

Meredith: Does he still think I'm a serial killer?

Alaric: He's a little judgmental.

Meredith: Speaking of... your X-rays were inconclusive. Your knife wound was already semi-healed.        3        Short, tall, left-handed, right-handed-- no clue.

Alaric: Well, what about my head?        4       

Meredith: Your CT scans were clear.        5       

Alaric: Wait. You think the killer's a... vampire?

Meredith: There no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion.

Klaus: Ah, come on, no. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just 'cause you lot have got yourselves a killer at large. Don't mind us. My brother and I are just here to let off some steam. Right, Kol?

Kol: Right.



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