返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十六集(8)Stefan&Damon




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Damon: They let Ric go. Sheriff Forbes said she's out of suspects again, but Ric is in the clear. I know it may not seem like it, but... You did really well tonight. I mean, before you know it, you're gonna be the king of moderation. Elena will understand.

Stefan:        1      

Damon: Uh-uh. None of that. No more no humanity Stefan.       2     

Stefan: Why do you even care, huh? The whole brother-bonding thing, getting Elena to hate you. Why you feel guilty? Because you kissed her. Is that it, Damon? Because you can stop. Go back to hating me. It was a lot easier.

Damon:       3      

Stefan: I don't need your help.

Damon: Don't need m-- Are you kidding me?       4      

Stefan: What are you talking about?

Damon: 1912, Stefan, the last time I convinced you to drink human blood.


Damon: The founders' council killer had nothing on you. By decade's end, they were calling you the ripper of Monterey. I let you walk away. I watched you go over the edge, and I didn't do anything to stop you.

Stefan: You couldn't have.

Damon: Sure, I could have. But I just didn't want to. But I want to now.       5      

Stefan: Why?

Damon: 'Cause right now... you're all I got.



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