返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十八集(6)Elena&Stefan


有了栎树木桩的Stefan一行人一直在伺机杀死始祖们,所以当Elena看到Finn出现在广场上时,便打电话给Stefan,纠集同伴实行刺杀计划。但当她知道Rebekah 抓走了 Damon后又觉得应该改变计划。


不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...


Stefan: Hey.

Elena: Hey, where are you?

Stefan: I just got home. Why?

Elena: Klaus' brother Finn is in the town square. He's with some ex-girlfriend or something.

Stefan: Ex-girlfriend? Guy's been in a coffin for the last 900 years. Sage. It's got to be Sage.

Elena: We have an opportunity. So how do we do this?

Stefan: Listen to me, Elena. Do not do anything, ok? Sage is very old and very strong.         1         

Elena: Then get Damon and get down here.



Elena: Hey. How is he?

Stefan: Hey. He's just banged up. Caroline's going to stay with him; make sure Alaric stays Alaric. Matt texted me, said Finn is still in the Grill.          2         

Elena: Wait, wait, Rebekah has Damon.        3         

Stefan: No, we need to stay on point. See an original, kill an original. That's the plan.

Elena: Yeah, that was the plan before Damon's life was hanging in the balance.

Stefan: Look, Elena, I understand that you're concerned about my brother's life,         4         

Elena: Yeah, and if the roles were reversed, he would stop everything to save you.

Stefan: I know what my brother would want.

Elena:         5        

Stefan: You going to help me with this or not? Ok. I'll figure it out myself.


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