返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十九集(2)Caroline&Matt&Rebekah




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Caroline: What is this?

Matt: It's the decade dance. Remember, you made us sign up to help.

Caroline: No. This! The 20s. We're doing the 70s.

Rebekah: Too flashy, people. It's supposed to be a speakeasy, not the world's fair. Oh, good, you're here. We need help setting up the tables, so get to it.

Caroline:       1    

Rebekah:      2    

Caroline: Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the dance committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s.

Rebekah: So you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age.      3    

Caroline: Well, maybe he sees a challenge. See, unlike some other people, I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with.

Matt: Maybe we can do both decades.

Caroline & Rebekah: No.

Rebekah: Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my 20s idea when I presented it to the group.

Caroline: Traitor!

Matt: Bell bottoms and disco? I don't know, this just seemed cooler.

Rebekah: See, it's just cooler.

Caroline: Whatever.      4    

Matt: Caroline! Wait!

Caroline: Impressive. You sold it.

Matt:      5    

Caroline: Thank you. Just... keep her occupied. Be careful.

Matt: You, too. And, uh... Tell him I said hi, ok?



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