返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十集(6)Bonnie&Klaus&Damon&Caroline&Stefa



Hint: lurk, Abby, Elijah, Elena, vampire, dramatic, Klaus, sire


Damon: Here, Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locater spell.

Bonnie:       1      

Damon:     2       Let me apologize.     3     Didn't exactly have a choice.

Bonnie:      4       Whenever you make one, someone else suffers.

Klaus:        5        

Bonnie: Esther's fighting me.

Klaus:        6          No, she's channeling something.

Bonnie: A hotspot.

Klaus:        7(2句话)        


Stefan: They're at the old cemetery. Jeremy and Matt are headed there right now.

Caroline:        8          They're gonna get themselves killed.

Stefan: We didn't have a choice, Caroline.        9        

Caroline: Hey, she'll be fine. Elena always manages to find her way through this stuff.

Stefan: Yeah, well, I'm just as worried about what Esther's up to.    102句话) 

Tyler:        11        

Stefan: No one's gonna die, ok? Bonnie's still looking for a way around the boundary spell. It's not too late.

Caroline: So best-case scenario, Bonnie gets us out of here, Klaus hauls ass toTimbuktu, and you and I, we're home free.

Tyler: Or we let Esther come and kill him.

Caroline: That's not a best-case scenario. That's not even a remotely acceptable scenario.

Tyler:        12         You'd be safe. At least he'd be gone.

Caroline:        13        

Tyler:        142句话)          I should have never let him dance with you.

Caroline:        153句话)       I love you.



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