返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十二集(5)Elijah&Elena&Matt&Stefan&Damon



Hint: concussion


Elijah:       1       Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us.

Stefan: And you'll just run.

Elijah: We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father.      2      

Elena:      3 (2句话)     

Elijah: I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners.

Matt: Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over.

Elijah: And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this, she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Elena,      4      

Damon: Not! Hello!      5        His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!

Elijah: Rebekah and Kol honor the terms.       62句话)      

Damon: No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention, no!

Stefan:      7       

Damon: Oh, come on!

Elena: Why do you want Klaus' body?

Elijah:      8      

Elena: We have a deal.


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