返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十二集(7)Liz&Carol&Tyler&Caroline


还记不记得在21集最后,Alaric召开了委员会议,揭露了 TylerCaroline的真实身份,LizCarol因此都被免去了职务。但这两位母亲在这个紧要时刻想到的绝不是自己,而是子女的安危。她们在短时间内凑了钱并伪造了新的身份证给自己的孩子,希望他们能尽快逃离这个小镇。本期听写94的单词~

Hint: Stefan, Damon


Tyler: Mom?

Carol: In here.

Caroline: Mom.

Tyler: What’s going on?

Carol: Alaric outed us to the council.     12句话)    

Liz: He's got them looking for Klaus, and then they're going to come looking for you.       2        

Caroline: What are you saying?

Liz:       3        

Carol: I've pulled together some cash, and Liz has gotten you some new identification. And we'll get school records, and--

Tyler: Well, wait a minute, you want us to run?

Liz:       4        

Caroline: Well, we can't just pack up and leave!

Carol: If you stay, you're going to end up dead. You don't have a choice.


Caroline: We can't just leave town.

Tyler: Yes, we can.

Caroline: No, our friends need us.

Tyler:       53句话)        

Caroline:       63句话)        

Tyler: I'll get stuff together and meet you at the cell in two hours.

Caroline: Deal!

Tyler: We've got to travel light. So what do you need?

Caroline: Ah, just you. Maybe a curling iron. Oh, I have to tell Bonnie!

Tyler: I'll call Bonnie, ok? Two hours. Don't you dare be late.

Caroline: Ok!



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