返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十二集(11)Elena&Matt&Grayson&Amanda&Jenna


第二十二集(8)期我们曾经讲到JeremyMatt打算带Elena离开神秘瀑布镇,所以MattElena沏了一杯放入了安眠药的茶,结果Elena入睡了,梦到了养父母出事当晚的事。本期,小编比较喜欢Elena 说的那就话:你该爱那个让你觉得有幸在世的人。(我可中文都给你写出来了哈,这句话要是听写错了,就自行去跪搓板吧~


Hint: went off, ditching


(Matt gave Elena a cup of tea)

Matt: Sorry. I over-honeyed. I suck at tea. So, Stefan.

Elena:        13句话)      

Matt: So do you feel like you owe him or something?

Elena: No. It's not that. It's...       23句话)       

Matt: So then what's the problem?

Elena: The problem's Damon. When I'm with him, it just consumes me. And I know that I can't love them both. I know that it's wrong, but I-- When I choose one, then I'll lose the other. And I don't want to lose anyone else. I... I just... I wish that I had my mom here to give me some advice.

(Elena fall asleep)

Elena: Hey, it's me.

Jenna: Your dad is making me play pictionary. I suck at pictionary.

Grayson: You do. You're terrible.

Jenna: Bite me, Grayson.

Elena:       3       

Jenna: Oh,       4        

Amanda: Here. Elena? Everything ok?

Elena:       52句话)       

Amanda:      62句话)       

Elena:      7        

Amanda:      8       

Elena: Yeah, but I don't want to lose him.

Amanda: You're not going to lose him, honey.      9       



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