返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十二集(12)Matt&Elena&Stefan&Damon&Jeremy


上期说到了Matt给了Elena一杯放有安眠药的茶,待Elena睡着后,将她抱上了卡车,准备离开Mystic Falls。而此时的Alaric也找到了Klaus肉身,并在Damon面前,将Klaus刺中并起火。Klaus曾经说过自己是Damon吸血鬼一脉的始祖,始祖的死亡,预示着他所转化的整个血脉的灭绝。StefanMystic FallsDamon在百里之外,而Elena则在这两地之间。她会选择与谁告别呢?本期需听写122个单词。


Elena: What's going on?

Matt: It's the only way I was going to get you in this truck.

Elena: The tea. You drugged me?!

Matt:        14句话)          

Elena: What the hell is going on, Matt?

Matt:       22句话)         


Stefan: Damon?

Damon: Bad news, brother. Alaric staked Klaus. He's dead.

Stefan: I feel ok. Do you feel anything?

Damon: No.

Stefan: It took Sage about an hour before she got sick.

Damon: Yeah, or         3        

Stefan: Well,       4       

Damon: What, so we can have an epic good-bye, Stefan?

Stefan: Not us, brother. You and Elena.

Damon: Well,       5         Call me if you cough up a lung.

Jeremy: Stefan. Elena's not at home. Matt and I... We're getting her out of town.

Stefan: It's going to be fine. Klaus was lying. We're all going to be ok.


Matt: Got it, Jer.

Elena: We have to go back. Listen to me, Matt. If Klaus is the one that turned their bloodline, then they're all going to die. We have to go back, Matt!

Matt: Elena

Elena: What?

Matt: Damon's not with them.

Elena: What?

Matt:       63句话)       



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