返回 【肖申克的救赎】丽塔·海华丝的海报是这么来的(2/2)





'I can get her,' I said. '__1__. You want the big one or the little one?' At that time Rita was my best girl (a few years before it had been Betty Grable) and she came in two sizes. For a buck you could get the little Rita. For two-fifty you could have the big Rita, four feet high and all woman. 
'The big one,' he said, not looking at me. I tell you, __2__. He was blushing just like a kid trying to get into a kootch show with his big brother's draft-card. 'Can you do it?' 
'Take it easy, sure I can. __3__?' The audience was applauding and catcalling as the bugs came out of the walls to get Ray Milland, who was having a bad case of the DT's. 
'How soon?' 
'A week. Maybe less.' 
'Okay.' But he sounded disappointed, __4__. 'How much?" 

__5__. I could afford to give him this one at cost; he'd been a good customer, what with his rock-hammer and his rock-blankets. Furthermore, he'd been a good boy - on more than one night when he was having his problems with Bogs, Rooster, and the rest, I wondered how long it would be before he used the rock-hammer to crack someone's head open. 


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