返回 【冰与火之歌】第一章布兰(6/13)





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His lord father smiled. "Old Nan has been telling you stories again. In truth, the man was an oathbreaker, a deserter from the Night’s Watch. No man is more dangerous. The deserter knows his life is forfeit if he is taken, so he will not flinch from any crime, no matter how vile. But you mistake me. __(1)句子_."

Bran had no answer for that. "King Robert has a headsman," he said, uncertainly.

"He does," his father admitted. "As did the Targaryen kings before him. Yet our way is the older way. The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we __(2)_ that the man who __(3)_should swing the sword. If you would _(4)_, you owe it to him to __(5)_ and __(6)_. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not __(7)_."

"One day, Bran, you will be Robb's bannerman, holding a keep of your own for your brother and your king, and justice will fall to you. When that day comes, you must __(8)_ in the task,but neither must you look away. __(9)句子_."

That was when Jon reappeared on the crest of the hill before them. He __(10)_at them. "Father, Bran, come quickly, see what Robb has found!" Then he was gone again.


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