返回 【冰与火之歌】第四章 艾德(13/16)



"In peace, __(1)_. Let the boy keep it. For his father's sake if not his own.Surely you owe Jon that much for his service."

The king was not pleased. He took his arm from around Ned's shoulders. "Jon's service was __(2)_. I'm not ungrateful, Ned. You of all men ought to know that. But the son is not the father. A mere boy cannot hold the east." Then his tone softened. "Enough of this. _(3)句子___." Robert grasped Ned by the elbow. "I have need of you, Ned."

"I am yours to command, Your Grace. Always." They were words he had to say, and so he said them,___(4)_.

Robert scarcely seemed to hear him. "Those years we spent in the Eyrie … gods, those were good years. __(5)_, Ned. I want you down in King's Landing,__(6)_." Robert looked off into the darkness, for a moment as melancholy as a Stark.
"I swear to you, __(7)_. Laws are__(8)_ and counting coppers is worse. And the people … there is no end of them. I sit on that damnable iron chair and listen to them complain until __(9)_. They all want something, money or land or justice. The lies they tell … and my lords and ladies are no better. I'm __(10)_.


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