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俄罗斯今日举行总统大选 舆论称普京当选无悬念
伶仃洋水域一货船与巴拿马籍滚装船相撞 多名船员落水下落不明


Top political advisor vows to help promote economy, stability

China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin has____1____  in 2012.He ____2____ of
the Fifth Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body in Beijing.Jia Qinglin promised in the report that the CPPCC will ____3____.

China ready for parliament's annual session

China is ready for the opening of its top legislature's annual session, with all delegations having arrived in Beijing.The session's press center says all the preparations for the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress,____4____ , have been completed as of Saturday.Nearly 3,000 NPC deputies will attend this year's session, scheduled to open on Monday.

China raises six-point statement for resolving Syria issue

Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a six-point statement for the political resolution on Syria issue.The statement says China follows closely the development of situation in Syria,____5____ .China urges the Syrian Government and all parties concerned to immediately, fully and unconditionally cease all acts of violence, particularly violence against innocent civilians.

Russians vote for new president

Voting began on Sunday in Russia ____6____  to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The candidates running for the election are incumbent Prime Minister Putin, leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Sergei Mironov from A Just Russia party and an independent and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. Opinion polls show that most voters are expected to support 59- year-old Putin who had served two terms as president from 2000 to 2008.

Eight missing after bulk freighter sinks in S China

Two sailors were rescued but eight others are still missing after a bulk freighter sank in collisions in waters off south China's Zhuhai city Friday night.Authorities say the freighter collided with a Panama-registered ship due to foggy weather and the freighter with 10 crew aboard sank after the collision.Two of the crew were rescued Saturday during the search and rescue efforts and rescuers are still looking for the missing sailors.The collision also caused slight fuel spill after a fuel tank of the Panamanian ship was damaged. But the____7____ .


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