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1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 胡锦涛在中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会上的报告 台湾问题 中国北方多地高速公路受新一轮冷空气影响关闭 阿富汗汽车炸弹 以色列征兵3万逼近加沙地带

CPC Central Committee politburo urges implementing congress spirit

The Politburo of the CPC Central Committee has issued a new call for "implementing the spirit" of the just-concluded party Congress.The meeting has been overseen by General Secretary Xi Jinping. This comes after the Party  ____1____ yesterday.The politburo is calling on the party to implement the goals laid out in the recently-concluded party congress.

CPC not to contact DPP unless it changes "Taiwan independence" stance: mainland spokesman

The State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office is warning the CPC will not engage in talks with the opposition Democratic Progressive Party on Taiwan unless it drops its pursuit of "Taiwan Independence."At the same time, the Office notes the just-concluded ____2____on Taiwan which doesn't push for "Taiwan Independence" and recognizes the one-China policy.The Taiwan Affairs Office also says it welcomes members of the DPP to conduct exchanges and visits to the mainland "in the proper capasity."

New round of snow closes north China expressways

A new round of snow has forced expressways in north China to close.Police in Jilin have been forced to stop coaches, trucks and vehicles loaded with chemicals and dangerous articles along all the expressways in the province.Forecasters in Jilin are warning of more snowstorms.Meanwhile, in Inner Mongolia, portions of 16 expressways, including the Jingzang Expressway linking Beijing and Lhasa, have been shut down because of snow.Forecasters in Inner Mongolia are____3____  at least Wednesday.

11 Civilians Killed in Roadside Bombing in W. Afghanistan

At least 11 civilians have been killed in a roadside bombing in western Afhganistan.
The____4____.The victims are all said to be women and children.The Taliban is being blamed.Around 350 Afghan civilians have been killed in IED explosions so far this year.

Israel intensifies airstrikes on Gaza, one more killed

Israel has intensified its airstrikes on various targets in the Gaza Strip, where medics say another Palestinian militant was killed. A spokesman of the Hamas-run health ministry says an Israeli war jet struck a motorbike in central Gaza Strip, adding that the militant onboard the motorbike was killed and another was critically wounded. Security sources of Islamic Hamas movement said that on Friday night, Israeli war jets carried a series of intensive airstrikes on various targets in Gaza city, mainly the civil affairs office of the interior ministry.Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon is scheduled to visit Middle East region soon____5____ the Israelis and Palestinians over Gaza.

Rockets fired from Gaza explode in Jerusalem area

Rockets fired from Gaza have exploded in Gush Etzion, a settlement bloc south of Jerusalem. There are no immediate reports of injury or damage.This is the first time that rockets launched from Gaza have come so close to Jerusalem since the start of Israel's large-scale military operation against armed groups in the Palestinian coastal enclave. The state TV says Hamas claimed responsibility for the surprise attack.The attack came hours after two Gaza rockets in the direction of the greater Tel Aviv area and____6____.


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