返回 【犯罪现场调查】S01E13 老G邀请保安协助调查案件






D: Mr. Grissom. Oh, uh ... hi, I've ... I've, um, I've seen you on TV before. ____.
G: Well, thank you. And your name is ... ?
D: Dominic. Uh, "I-C" rather than with the "I-C-K"... uh, Kretzker. I'm the, uh, Hansen Building Security Detail.
G: Did somebody from homicide talk to you yet?
D: Yeah. As a matter of fact, they said that I was going to be talking to you, because, well, we are ... you know, we're both in law enforcement, and ...
G: Right. Did you know the victim - the other security guard?
D: Oh, yeah. He was one of my best buddies. As a matter of fact, you know, two minutes' difference it would've been my face all over the news instead of his, right?
G: Would you, uh, like to be on the news?
D: Yeah. Yeah. I mean ... only if I could help people, yes. No, no. I know what you're thinking. Uh, you know, ____ I'm over at Arby's sucking down some extra sauce. You know, how could I want to help people, right?
G: Well, I mean, realistically, what could you have done?
D: Well, I know a lot about bombs. You know, pipe, power, powder. The three "Ps" of mass destruction.
G: Huh. Dominic ... with an "I-C," not "I-C-K" ...
D: Yes sir?
G: ____?
D: Are you serious?Yeah. Yes, sir. ____. Oh. But we can't tell anybody on the day shift, though because they're going to get real jealous.
G: That's good thinking. Would you excuse me a minute?
D: Yes.
G: ____.
D: Oh, yes!


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