返回 【绝望的主妇】竞争的要诀


Competition. It means different things to different people. In suburbia, it means keeping up with the Joneses. On Wisteria Lane, that means keeping up with Bree Van de Kamp. Everyone knew Bree had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood. And no one begrudged her this. No one, that is, except Martha Huber, whose own lawn paled in comparison. No matter how carefully she trimmed or how lovingly she watered or how generously she fertilized, the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence.

Mrs. Huber: Hello, Victor, how are you today? Out jogging again?
Victor: I can't catch my breath.
Mrs. Huber: Would you like a slurp from my hose? Victor? Victor? Don't worry, I'm going to get an ambulance!

Then one day, ____(一句话)_____

Mrs. Huber: Help! Somebody help!
Bree: What happened?
Mrs. Huber: He collapsed on your hydrangeas! Call 911!

Mary Alice: Yes. Mrs. Huber understood the first rule of competition. In order to win, you have to want it more...


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