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    ♠ 各科老师终于无法忍受乔治无所谓的态度,校长也无奈,只好给他两条路……



- I called this meeting because your teachers have reported to me that you continue to refuse to do the course work.  __1__to turn your career here at Morgan around.

- Yes, I did. I mean, I did struggle with it at the beginning, but I just couldn't.

- Well, you are out of time. The moment to decide your future has arrived. Now, against the recommendation of some in this room, I'm giving you a choice. First is expulsion. It's yours if you want it. Second option, if you want to graduate, __2__. Every paper, every exercise. Essentially, a year's worth of homework. If even one is missing on graduation day, no diploma. You have a little over three weeks.

- George, I used to __3__. But you never delivered, not once. I wasn't gonna waste the time getting mad at you. I'm not gonna waste the time defending you now.

- Forget the lack of respect you show, George. This is the way we make our living, how we spend our lives. But you simply don't care what goes on around here. __4__?

- You're right. You shouldn't reward it. __5__. Maybe it should be expulsion.

- Let us know on Monday.

- All right. All right. Thank you.


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