返回 【视听版历史上的今天】0603 爱江山更爱美人


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On June 3, 1937 - Edward VIII marries Wallis Simpson, a lowly, non-Royal American.

The death of Britain’s King George V saw the accession of Edward V|||, the WW| [-----1-----] with little use for formality. “What a rapt waste of time, money and energy - all these state visits are!" he once wrote. When the new king took up with Mrs. Wallis Simpson, an American, [-----2-----]. She arranged her second divorce but the Church of England did not recognize divorce and [-----3-----] burst out when Edward propose to her. Although Winston Churchill and others try to prevent it, Parliament [-----4-----]. In a moving public speech, Edward stated that he could not rule without the help and support of ”the woman I love”. On June 3rd, 1937, the newly created Duke and Duchess of Windsor were married in France, ending the scandal of the century.


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