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福克斯新闻网(Fox News),是福克斯娱乐集团(Fox Entertainment Group)(FOX)下属的一个子公司。主要从事于电视与网络新闻行业。
本节目的选材目前来自Fox News下的访谈类节目片段,例如Fox News Watch等

COLMES: Of course, Newsbusters is a right-wing Web site, always looking -- they find anti-liberal -- or anti-conservative bias under every bed everywhere.
CAL THOMAS: They don’t have to search far.
COLMES: Look, David Kirkpatrick reported in The New York Times that this, ____________1_____________. You have a -- the Washington Post reported the CIA briefing that came out on September 16th that said it was having to do with the video. ____________2_____________. Condoleezza Rice just said the other day; You have to wait until all the information is out.
So is she part of the left-wing media? Why hasn’t the media reported more on these particular points, which all I keep hearing is how terrible the administration’s been,____________3_____________?
THOMAS: Let’s go back...
COLMES: Why is that?
THOMAS: ... 40 years, probably before you were born...
THOMAS: ... the 1972 election, Watergate was just starting to break. ____________4_____________? They assigned Woodward and Bernstein of The Washington Post to dig these things out. The Nixon administration was stonewalling the media, trying to keep information from trickling out. ____________5____________, and Nixon won a landslide against the late George McGovern. And -- but it did come out eventually.


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