返回 【老友记】S01E19 (05) 终于找到猴子了



前言:Ross在Mr. Heckles家听到了类似猴子的叫声。

Ross: Marcel? Marcel? Okay, where is he? Where is he? Marcel? Marcel?
(Marcel jumps into view wearing a pink dress. Everybody gasps)
Ross: Marcel! What've you done to him?
Mr. Heckles: That's my monkey. That's Patti, Patti the monkey.
Ross: 1______? C'mere, Marcel, c'mon. (Marcel starts to go to him)
Mr. Heckles: C'mere, Patti. (Marcel turns round)
Ross: C'mere, Marcel. (Turns to Ross)
Mr. Heckles: C'mere, Patti. (Turns to Mr. Heckles)
Luisa: (Out of shot) Here, monkey. Here, monkey! Here, monkey! (Marcel runs to the door and into Luisa's cage, which she slams shut) Gotcha.
Ross: Okay, give me my monkey back.
Mr. Heckles: That's my monkey.
Luisa: You're both gonna have to take this up with the judge.
Mr. Heckles: That's not my monkey. Just the dress is mine, you can send that back whenever.
Ross: Alright, I want my monkey.
Luisa: No!
Rachel: Oh, c'mon, Luisa!
Luisa: Sorry, prom queen.
Ross: (To Rachel) You had to be a bitch in high school, you couldn't've been fat.
Rachel: Alright. In high school I was the prom queen and I was the homecoming queen and the class president and you... were also there! But if you take this monkey, 2______. You can hate me if you want, but 3_____. C'mon, Luisa, 4______! Take it!
Luisa: Nope.
Rachel: Alright. Well then how about I call your supervisor, and I tell her that you shot my friend in the ass with a dart?



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