返回 【高级口译真题】09年春季高级口译真题SD部分(1/3)




Part A: Spot Dictation 
Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read 
the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blank with the 
word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the 
corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the 
passage ONLY ONCE 

When Americans think about hunger, we usually think in terms of mass 
starvation in far-away countries. But hunger too often 
lurks____________(1).In 2006, 35.1 million people, 
including_____________(2) children, in the United States did not have 
access to enough food for an active healthy life. Some of these individuals 
relied on emergency food sources and_________________(3). 
Although most people think of hungry people and homeless people as the 
same, the problem of hunger reaches __________________(4). While the 
number of people being hungry or _______________(5) may be surprising, 
it is the faces of those hungry individuals that would probably 
The face of hunger is__________________ (7) who has worked hard for their 
entire lives only to find their savings_________________ (8); or a single 
mother who has to choose whether the salary from______________ (9) will 
go to buy food or pay rent; or a child who struggles to ________________(10) 
because his family couldn't afford dinner the night before. A December 
2006 survey estimated that______________(11) those requesting emergency 
food assistance were either children or their parents. 
Children_____________ (12) to live in households where someone 
experiences hunger and food insecurity than adults. _________________(13) 
compared to one in five children live in households where someone suffers 
from hunger__________________ (14). 
Child poverty is more widespread in the United States than 
in_____________(15); at the same time, the U. S. government spends less 
than any industrialized country to____________________ (16). 
We have long known that the ______________(17) of small children need 
adequate food ___________(18). But science is just beginning to 
understand the full extent of this relationship. As late as the l980s, 
conventional wisdom held that only the_______________ (19) actually alter 
brain development. The latest empirical evidence, however, shows that 
even relatively mild under-nutrition______________(20) in children which 

can last a lifetime. 



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