返回 【绯闻女孩】S02E11-1又是一年感恩节时,Blair家将会迎来一群“讨厌的”亲戚



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G: For the rest of the country...... [---1---]
But on the Upper East Side, the holiday thankfully returns...
... to its roots: lying, manipulation and betrayal.
And from what we hear, just like the Indians......someone is being pushed out of their home.
B: Not only are Cyrus' boxes everywhere. . . . . .but so are his annoying relatives.
S: They can't be that bad. Aaron always talks about his nana.
B: Sylvia? She kissed me on the cheek.
It Iooked like I'd been spray-tanned. And Cyrus' nephew spent the morning talking to me about corn. . . . . .grain of the future.
His sister asked me to go shopping with her.
S: Oh, that's sweet.
B: At Century 21 .
S: Ugh. The horror.
B: But even though Daddy isn't coming, I am determined to have. . . . . .the perfect Thanksgiving I didn't get last year.
You're still gonna help me make his pie?
S: I can only stay for a couple hours.
Aaron is coming to meet my famiIy before Thanksgiving dinner.
"Mom, you DVR Big Love. This is Aaron.
And he's just like Bill Paxton,
onIy younger and with scruff. "
B: I'm serious. The Serena I know wouId never wanna share. . .
. . .a guy she Iiked with anyone.
S: Well, I'll admit, it's been hard.
I Iike him enough that I don't want to date anyone else.
[---4---], right?
B: There are so many things wrong with that.
Ugh. Here comes your ghost of boyfriends past to haunt me.
S: [---5---]
B: Okay.
D: Have either of you seen Jenny?
B: If she's hiding from you. . . . . .she has better taste than I thought.

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