返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E18-1神奇的一吻



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E: I didn't see that comin'.
D: Yeah, neither did I. Uh, I mean--it was just--it was just once, and it was weird.
E: Oh, [---1---], yes.
D: But weird good? Like, "I--wow, it's weird this is such a good kiss"?
Or weird bad? Like, you know, just, "Wow. Weird"?
E: Uh... She didn't give you any indication at the time?
D: No. No, she--she just walked away, stunned, left me standing there in her foyer.
E: [---2---]
D: I know, right? I mean, I did what I thought was the polite thing-- called her the next day. It's been almost a week, and I haven't heard back.
E: W-wait, wait. [---3---]? Do you... Do you like her?
D: What? No. No, no, no. I don't like her. No, of course not. Not at all. I'm just curious. Sh--and--and, you know, she-- I mean, she does smell nice.
E: Oh! You are ass-backwards crushing on Blair Waldorf!
B: Take that away, Dorota! I can't eat. [---4---] I think I have consumption.
D: Consumption not since 19th century. They have vaccine.
B: Well, then I'm dying of malaise.
D: I know everything has gone wrong since you lost focus on work,
But Carmela on "Sopranos" didn't get big break till she was 40.
B: This isn't about work or time, Dorota.


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