返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E19-1路易王子



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B: Of course I did. Although I-I must say I was a bit surprised.
I-I thought you'd never wanted to see me again after the way I left you in Paris.
L: No, not at all, [---1---]
B: Uh... no, no. He isn't. Um, that's over.
L: Then we are both free with, I hope, a perfect day ahead of us.
B: Exactly, [---2---] I'm going to introduce you to all the best New York has to offer. Tell your valet to press your suit, because following an afternoon of museums and cafes, we're going to the pink party, an exclusive gathering of New York's elite society.
L: [---3---], Blair.
Is that okay?
B: Of course.
I've recently learned of a few places
that nobody like us would ever be caught dead in, so I'm going to create you a new itinerary and text you
where we should meet. à Très bient? t. Impatiente de te voir.
L: Moi Aussi.
P: What's with the emergency text? We're gonna be late for class.
B: Oh, [---4---], which is why you'll be taking notes for me.
But it's nearly finals. What's more important than school?
D: Miss Blair has a date with--
B: Actually, I'd rather not say who just yet.
hints: Paris


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