返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E20-1L&B 进展的十分快速


L&B 似乎进展的十分快速,已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步了,可是现在并没有取得王室的同意,这貌似是最难过的一道坎了。但是,B能使出魔法让欧洲的媒体爱上她,她也能赢得平民们的支持。

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
S: Blair, this fight between us has gotten a little out of hand,
[---1---],  and admit that I may have overreacted about you and Dan?
B: Really?
S: Yeah, so let's just put this all behind us so we can gush about Louis already.
B: Oh, yes! Thank goodness, because all this elation was nearly meaningless without being able to talk to you about it. Louis is fantastique. [---2---], how he plans to run his kingdom, how I plan to run mine.
S: Sounds like everything you've ever wanted.
B: I'm in, S. I'm totally in. I think he's gonna ask me to spend the summer with him in Monaco.
D: I worry she moving too fast.
B: Ugh. Dorota, everyone knows that with princes, things escalate quickly. It's genetic. [---3---], prince charming knew he loved cinderella as soon as he saw her preternaturally tiny feet.
S: And what about Louis' parents? After the lengths he went to to hide your date last week, how are they taking all the press coverage about him dating an american?
B: Prince Albert has no legitimate children, so as his first male nephew, Louis is next in line to the throne. I'm sure his parents have their heart set on an empire-expanding union with a hapless Hapsburg. [---4---] They won't be back for two weeks, during which time, [---5---], and win the commoners to my cause.
Hints: mature, Botswan, European


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