返回 【实习医生格蕾】女实习医生格蕾第一季第七集(6)


到墨西哥做胃部手术减肥的女孩拒绝 reverse the bypass。

Claire: ____1____.

Mrs. Rice: Disbelief, Claire, just disbelief.

Mr. Rice: I'm just concerned. ____2____?

Claire: The internet.

Mrs. Rice: But, honey, ____3____.

Claire: Yeah, I tried that, but...____4____.

Mr. Rice: Hey, ____5____.

Mrs. Rice: What are you eating? ____6____? I mean, you know, most of the time, when people hit their target weight, they have to work to stay there.

(Meredith is looking on)

Claire: Everyone gains weight in college, Mom. It's...it's stressful. There's...there's not enough time for exercise. I just thought if I wasn't worried about my diet, then...____7____.

Mrs. Rice: So you took yet another shortcut? Life doesn't work that way, Claire.

Mr. Rice: Tina!

Mrs. Rice: What? You want to argue this?

(He shuts up)

Mrs. Rice: (To Meredith) She has so much potential id she would just apply herself...

Meredith: Ok. Ok, ____8____. And, Claire, your parents agree, the best thing to do is to reverse the bypass.

Claire: No! No, it's my body. I do not want surgery again. Please?

Meredith: ____9____. And this is about your health.

Claire: But I'd rather be thin.

Mrs. Rice: Well, I'm afraid the choice isn't up to you.


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