返回 【华尔街英语】初级Lesson13 蜜月(4/4)




You haven't said __(1)_all the time we'been been here! It's always: "Geez, it's so old," or "Geez, it's so small," Where's the poetry in you, Alan?

Maybe there isn't any poetry in me, Deborah! Maybe I'm not want you think I am! __(2)_ !

And maybe you married the wrong woman! Why didn't you stay with Alice? Why don't you go back to her now?

__(3)_ ? And keep your voice down!

I know why you don't go back to her! Because she won't have you. Because she's gotten herself someone else? That's right, isn't it?

I said, keep your voice down!

So you went and got someone else too, __(4)_just anyone and that was me!You don't really want me, you just wanted to hurt Alice.Go on, say it, it's true!

Ah, to hell with it! It's impossible to talk to you, Deborah! I'm going!

Where to?

I don't know! To play golf! Back to Pittsburgh!To the devil!

Sorry about that. So that was my husband, Alan. Uh… __(5)_ . Well, uh…see you all later bye for now!



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